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Fog and Nature

Why Small Bites, Big Planet?

Food and travel. Are there two more exciting concepts?  


While we all must eat to live, many of us live to eat, because in doing so we feel connected both with those mad geniuses concocting, crafting, plating, and serving the dishes that bring us palpable joy (whether it's a grandparent or a Michelin-stared chef), as well as with those with whom we share our meals, break our bread, and spend our precious time.  Food is, in many ways, love:  love of eating, of course, but also love of artistic expression, of flavor, of nuance, design and hard work. Food is direct evidence of love of self and of each other. 


We feel much the same way about travel. The further we travel, the closer we (in the global sense) become connected. We break down barriers when we experience, if only for a brief moment , the colors, the sounds and smells that form the places in which we live and work, the places that mold who we are as people, often the languages we speak and the food we eat. In traveling to places near and far, we learn, if only a tiny bit, about the integral details of other people. As with food, travel is an expression of love: love of the new and exciting, of those we meet and the changes within ourselves that the journey fosters.  


It is from these two basic tenets that Small Bites, Big Planet was born. We are a small group of people who discovered that we were at our most present and our most connected when experiencing the joy of some new dish, served by people we'd never met, in a place we'd never been.  In those moments, we feel love in a way that few other moments can match. We only hope that in sharing our experiences we may plant in you the desire to get out there, go someplace and meet someone, new, and take a bite out of this beautiful and delectable world.  We can't wait to plan our next trip. We hope you'll join us.


Happy traveling, fellow culinary pilgrims!


- The Small Bites, Big Planet team.


P.S. Want to know a bit more about why we're doing what we're doing? The fine folks at SD Voyager were kind enough to write up a quick article about us, which you can find here

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